Wednesday 13 June 2012

Panchgani Trip - Table land and Devil's Kitchen

                                                     Table land and Devil's Kitchen

After a 15 Kilometer ride from Dhom Dam,  I finally reached Panchgani ...

I was surprised to feel the sudden dip in temperature... It was  22-25 degrees, nice windy and cloudy Panchgani town waiting for me... Me and my friend Manish ( no "he" is not Man-ishh...its his name and he doesn't smack in the middle ;-p ) stopped near a strawberry store, bought some 500 gms of strawberries and asked the store keeper whether he could suggest some tourist places... the tip from him brought us to this astonishing piece of land called Table Land...

It looked like as if someone  has sliced the hill perfectly to give it a table like shape....

Surprisingly, horse riding is very popular up there.... if you want to take a nice horse riding tour of Table land, you can go ahead....  I was approached by the owner of SALMAN KHAN ( don't worry, not the Bollywood actor, the horse's name is SK ) for riding, but I declined for obvious reasons.. ;-)

The next thing to see at table land is Devil's Kitchen... Legends say that Pandavas stayed there for some time during their exile ( Van Vas)
View from Devil's Kitchen

Devil's Kitchen

Frankly speaking, it was only I standing there and not my kitchen ;-) ... not even the remains .. ;-p
We spent 20-25 minutes there to see if we could use a centimeter  size clue of the Kitchen remains, but ended up failing miserably...After putting in so much effort, we felt hungry and decided to get our hands on some yummy corn ( Bhutta )...

We spent some more time there sitting at the edge of the cliff, enjoying the nice breeze and looking down at the small town of Panchgani...

For me, it was a good experience, one can have some nice quality time with their family members as lots of activities are happening there continuously... the beautiful panoramic view is other added advantage.

My Rating
1. Road Condition :- 2.75 / 5
2. Cleanliness :- 2.5 / 5
3. Local Conveyance:- 3 / 5
4. Climate :- 3.5 / 5
5. Food / Snack :-  3.5 / 5
Overall rating :-  3 / 5 

Next destination ... Parsi and Sydney Point

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