Friday 8 June 2012


“One recognizes one's course by discovering the paths that stray from it.” - Albert Camus 

Someone once told me that writing an introduction for your blog is writing a novel. You must write very interesting lines so that the reader gets glued to you till the last word. Frankly speaking I am not a seasoned writer and definitely not someone who writes novels. I tried to grab your attention from the famous quote above by Albert Camus because I feel its in line with my blog.. Now that you are reading my introduction, I would like to introduce myself as someone who :
1. Likes to Travel,
2. Likes Photography,
3. Likes bike riding and adventure,
4. and finally , cooking food and eating it..

Through this blog, I would like to provide info about ..the places I travelled , the traveling kit, photos of the visited place, local conveyance there, and at last if possible, food info.. I hope the blog provides you good tip of some beautiful places and helps you to GET UP AND GO there at ease...


  1. Surely its going to be as interesting as you are..
    All the best Baibhav :)

  2. grt .. nice 2 see you and do hope that your clicks will mesmerize every netizen ..
